Inclement Weather Schedule
If Roanoke County schools are closed due to inclement weather, the center will not open before 8AM. To ensure when, or if, the center will open call Evangel at 540.982.3694 wait for message, then dial extention 21 for weather information.
On days when weather is bad, please leave a number with the staff where we can reach you that day in case it becomes necessary to close early.
If Your Child Is Sick
If your child will not be attending due to illness, please notify the center by phone before 9AM every day the child will not be present. 540.982.3694.
Vacation Time or Planned Absence
Full fees must be paid with no exceptions for absences UNLESS the child will be absent for the entire week AND the parent notifies staff by 9AM on Monday or the first scheduled day of attendance that week.
No limitation on the number of vacation weeks per year.